7 Easy Foreign Vegetarian Recipes with Common Indian Ingredients

Indian cuisine is renowned for its diverse range of ingredients and flavors. However, it’s not just Indian recipes that can be created using these ingredients. There are numerous foreign vegetarian recipes that can be easily cooked using ingredients commonly available in India. Here, we explore seven such recipes from around the world that you can try at home. These recipes are not only delicious but also easy to prepare and packed with nutrition.

1. Italian Pasta Primavera

Pasta Primavera is a delightful Italian dish that can be easily made using common Indian ingredients like bell peppers, carrots, peas, onions, garlic, and pasta. Sauté the vegetables in olive oil, add cooked pasta, sprinkle some cheese, and your Pasta Primavera is ready.

2. Mexican Bean Tacos

For a Mexican twist, try making Bean Tacos. All you need are tortillas, kidney beans, onions, tomatoes, lettuce, and cheese. Cook the beans with onions and tomatoes, fill the tortillas, top with lettuce and cheese, and enjoy your homemade Mexican Tacos.

3. Greek Tzatziki

Tzatziki is a Greek sauce or dip made with yogurt, cucumber, garlic, and olive oil. It’s a refreshing accompaniment to any meal. Indian yogurt can be used as a substitute for Greek yogurt to make this recipe.

4. Chinese Vegetable Stir Fry

Chinese cuisine is loved worldwide and can be easily recreated at home with Indian ingredients. For a Vegetable Stir Fry, you need mixed vegetables, soy sauce, vinegar, and cornflour. Stir fry the vegetables, add the sauces, and serve hot.

5. French Ratatouille

Ratatouille is a classic French dish made with eggplant, zucchini, bell peppers, tomatoes, and a host of herbs. All these ingredients are readily available in India, making it easy to cook this foreign dish at home.

6. Thai Green Curry

Thai Green Curry can be made using Indian ingredients like coconut milk, green chillies, basil leaves, and mixed vegetables. The key is to make a green paste with chillies, basil, onions, and garlic, which is then cooked with vegetables and coconut milk.

7. Lebanese Hummus

Hummus, a popular Lebanese dip, can be easily made using chickpeas, garlic, tahini, and olive oil. If tahini is not available, it can be made at home using sesame seeds and olive oil. Hummus is a healthy and delicious dip that goes well with pita bread or even Indian roti.

These are just a few examples of how common Indian ingredients can be used to create delicious and nutritious vegetarian dishes from around the world. So, don’t limit yourself to just Indian cuisine. Explore the culinary world and enjoy these easy-to-make foreign recipes at home.