Is it Considered Acceptable to Sample Others’ Entrees at a Restaurant?

When dining out, especially with new acquaintances, it’s important to understand the social etiquette that governs such situations. One question that often arises is whether it’s acceptable to sample others’ entrees at a restaurant. This can be a tricky issue, as it largely depends on the cultural context, the relationship between the diners, and personal preferences. Let’s delve into this topic to provide a comprehensive answer.

Understanding the Cultural Context

In some cultures, sharing food is a common practice and is seen as a way of building relationships and expressing hospitality. For instance, in many Asian and Middle Eastern cultures, dishes are often placed in the center of the table for everyone to share. However, in Western cultures, individuals usually order their own dishes and it’s less common to share, especially with people you’re not very familiar with.

Considering the Relationship

The relationship between the diners also plays a significant role. If you’re dining with close friends or family, it’s generally more acceptable to ask to try someone else’s dish. However, if you’re dining with colleagues or people you’ve just met, it might be seen as intrusive or impolite. It’s always best to gauge the situation and the level of comfort within the group before making such a request.

Respecting Personal Preferences

Even if the cultural context and the relationship allow for sharing food, it’s crucial to respect personal preferences. Some people might not feel comfortable sharing their food, especially in the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’re unsure, it’s always better to ask politely if the other person minds you trying their dish.

How to Politely Ask to Sample Someone’s Entree

If you decide to ask to try someone else’s dish, it’s important to do so politely. You could say something like, “That looks delicious, would you mind if I tried a small bite?” Always ensure that you use your own utensils to avoid any hygiene concerns.


In conclusion, while there’s no definitive answer to whether it’s acceptable to sample others’ entrees at a restaurant, it largely depends on the cultural context, the relationship between the diners, and personal preferences. When in doubt, it’s always best to ask politely and respect the other person’s response. Remember, the goal of dining out is to enjoy the food and the company, so it’s important to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and respected.